Thursday, July 22, 2010

PowerPoint Presentations

Hello All,
PowerPoint slide are a very useful tool that can be used in the classroom to engage the learners in topics and also find out their prior knowledge. This can be achieved by creating a presentation involving a quiz that the students complete to reflect on learning and for the learning manager to be able to see what they already know. In particular, possible application for PowerPoint in the classroom could be used in a Technology unit, where the learners have to create International stores to show others the layout of their topic. A photo story could be created with hyperlinks linking to Google Earth and other internet sites where the students have gathered information to display climate, foods (recipes), clothing (designs) and other cultural traits.

This PowerPoint presentation could be done as a class about Aboriginal culture and then the students could gather into their groups to complete their own slideshow. This would ensure that the learners are being modelled how to achieve the desired learning outcomes. A reference page would need to be displayed and the students would need to be taught how to hyperlink pages to the sites that they received the information form, to assure no copyright laws are breeched. In a Science unit, the students could use PowerPoint to display their experiments and use it as a reflection and for assessment following through the scientific process, with photographic and work samples uploaded into the presentation as evidence to support their data. This e.learning tool is very useful to engage students yet still adhere to the learning outcomes they need to achieve. All learners, no matter the diversity can complete this task as those who are below expectation can perform basic operations, yet the learners that need challenging can apply more complex presentations.

Interactive PowerPoint presentations could also be implemented to guide the learners through class topics and also as an extension activity for the advanced learners to use to enable and give opportunities for them to extend and refine their knowledge, and then use the knowledge meaningfully by using the engagement theory as a tool to scaffold the learning experience. I really think that if implemented successfully, PowerPoint presentations can ultimately benefit the learning and be used as a tool for the learners to process and express relevant information.
Until next time,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Concept Map

Hi all,

So today I completed my first ever concept map. I found this tool to be extremely time consuming. I think that if you were to concept map through then it completely takes away from the idea and point of concept mapping in the first place. In order for the students to complete this tool, the involved experiences would need to be highly scaffolded and the children would need to be very visual learners that are skilled in this area. If the cohort are unable to complete the tool with ease, then the idea of brainstorming and mapping thought patterns is near impossible to achieve as the attention is taking away from the thought process and focuses on the technical skills involved in applying the information into bubble format.

Until next time,


Monday, July 12, 2010

Blogs - Feelings, Emotions and Thoughts

Hi All,
Blogs....what are they? Why are they useful? How could they be used in a classroom learning environment?
The word Blog comes from the term web blog. They are used as a website or part of a website. Anyone can create a blog about anything they want. The issue with blogs is that they are open to interpretation and also are not academically resourced because they are written by anyone about anything.
Blogs could be used in the classroom learning environment for a variety of reasons. The learners could use blogs to reflect on their learning experiences and also to network with others to clarify issues and discuss feelings. The issue that was brought to my attention is that you can post information up at a wrong time when you have fresh emotions and opinions that could be displayed, and inturn have a detrimental effect looking back on thoughts, feelings and emotions at the time they were posted.
I am sure that I will have more to say once I have blogged a little more and networked with other bloggers.
Until next time,

My Learning Styles Inventory

Hello all,
After reading up on my learning styles and predicting what learning best suited me, I thought that I was a very logical learner. I am aware that I am extremely social and logical, however, I am very physical and visual with my learning, but reflecting now, this graph did not really display this. I think that the Learning Styles Inventory was very useful but not completely accurate. I think that this shows how I am quite balanced across the board with my learning preferences.
Until next time,

Week One Reflection

Hi all,
After going through week ones active learning and theory, I realised that the content involved is not as difficult to comprehend as i assumed. I thought that the theory for e.learning would be tedious and not very engaging, and was suprised to find it interesting and informative. I have turned a corner and realised that the course is well set out and easy to follow through adn complete in spare time (because we all have alot of SPARE time). I am really looking forward to learning more about how to apply the e.learning tools into a classroom environment. I really enjoyed the TED video clip. I thought that it offered many sides and points of view to ponder on. I really took alot away from it and found myself reflecting on the quote he used that 'if your afraid of being wrong, you'll never be original.' I also realised and thought about how creativity is as important as literacy. Let me know what you think.
Until next time,

My name is Amy Kennedy and I am currently studying Bachelor of Learning Management at the Central Queensland University Noosa Campus. Last year, I completed the first assignment for Managing e.learning. It was too much of a work load for me because I spent over 150 hours on assigment one. This year, I am looking forward to revisiting all of the learning tools and giving some insight as to how it can be applied to the classroom environment with a more pedagogical approach. I am a little nervous because this semester, I have taken on a full work load for the first time in my university studies with five subjects. It will be a challenge to manage all of the assessment pieces, but I think that if I keep on top of my e.learning from week to week, I will be fine.
Wish me luck,